Dead Voices by Katherine Arden

In this blog, I will be reviewing the second book in the Small Spaces quartet, Dead Voices by Katherine Arden. After reading the first book, I immediately read the second book after being fascinated by Arden’s storytelling. I was so excited to read this book that I read the whole thing in 3 days. I hope you enjoy the review!

Continuing from Small Spaces, we follow the 3 main characters, Ollie, Coco, and Brian, as they are now traveling to a ski resort together with their families. We get a good visual of the setting as Ollie describes the snow that she sees outside of the car, and the darkness in the night as the snow piles up in the  road ahead. They soon pull up to the ski resort and find out that the lights are all turned off and all of them are snowed it. The three families make the best out of what they have as they play board games, drink hot chocolate, and pass out blankets to everyone stuck inside. Everything seems to be normal until Coco is convinced that she is seeing ghosts.

Out of nowhere, a ghost hunter, Mr. Voland, appears at the resort claiming that he can help. The three friends do not trust him very much as Ollie's watch displays the word: BEWARE (It was Ollie's watch that had helped them escape the Smiling man in the previous story). As the night goes on, odd events start happening as they reach out to the ghosts. It seems like the ghosts need their help or maybe it's all a trap.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book after being intriguied by the storytelling of Small Spaces. I would rate this book an 8/10. I think all of the details and the interesting plottwists in Dead Voices made it a really good mystery book to read but it was definitely not as good as the first book. The horror part of this book wasn't nearly as interesting. And I didn't love the overall plot of this book and as it would sometimes become confusing when everything started to include ghosts. It might also be because when I was in 6th grade when I read this and I have a different opinion now that I am older. I still recommend this book series to anyone who enjoys a good mystery story with some mild horror.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Hi Helen! I really liked your summary of this book. It gives a good idea of what the book is like but it doesn't spoil anything. It sounds like an interesting book that I'll add to my reading list. Great review!

  2. Hi Helen! This novel seems very well-written. Your summary gave me a very clear visual of this interesting plot. I hope to read this in the future because I love these kinds of genres! :)

  3. Great review, Helen! When I first read Small Spaces I remember really enjoying the horror aspect of the book, and from what you've said in this review, I'll make sure to read Dead Voices too.


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